Gloomhaven Wiki

This article concerns Events from the board games of Gloomhaven and Frosthaven. For Events in the Gloomhaven video-game, see Encounters.

Events are adventurous situations met by a party outside scenarios. They are also known as "Encounters" in most other games. Each situation is met with a dilemma, presented by options A or B. The outcome varies based on the option taken, but also based on other factors, like the character classes present, the party's reputation, etc.

There are three types of events :

  • Road events occur when a party is on the way to a scenario in the Gloomhaven Box main campaign, in campaign mode. They are mandatory except when the scenario is tagged as linked to Gloomhaven City and the party's location is already Gloomhaven City.
  • City events occur after a scenario from the Gloomhaven Box main campaign is completed in campaign mode, i.e. when the party is Visiting Gloomhaven. They are optional.
  • Rift events were introduced in Forgotten Circles and are new events that happen when you travel through a Rift. They are mandatory and replaces road events everytime a scenario is reached through dimensional travel.

Gameplay Application[]

Upon occurrence, the party is presented with a dilemma, from which two options can be chosen, named Option A and Option B. Once read, a card cannot be thrown out before being resolved. The choice must be made without consulting the back of the card, where the results are shown. Once the option has been selected, the party applies the appropriate solution.

If the outcome contains an imperative verb (e.g. Pay 20 collective gold), the party has no choice but to comply. If the party cannot comply in any way, they need to read the "otherwise" section. A party cannot change its decision or to not follow the consequences of the card once the card is turned.

After the outcome has outplayed, an icon shows that the card is either Remove from the game or put under the pile.

The deck of events is only shuffled once a new event is added or unlocked. After this, events that have been at the bottom of the deck can be shuffled back, if applicable. However, if no new card is added to the deck, this means the party will eventually deal with the same events in the same order they have encountered before.


A situation is given: After resting for the evening, you start out your day noticing a great number of prominent, commanding posters around the city. Reading one, you learn that the Sanctuary of the Great Oak is lying down the foundations of a new building on the east side of Gloomhaven. Everyone is encouraged to come and help. This could be an important community event.

Then two or three choices are given: Option A) Go help lay the foundation. B) Take the opportunity to steal the valuations in the area while people are distracted.

Once decided, the party turn the card around and read the conclusion to the option chosen. Option A) Lose 1 checkmark, gain 1 Reputation, gain 1 prosperity. Option B) Gain 5 gold each, and if Reputation is lower than -4 (thus -5 to -20), gain an additional 5 gold each).

Community-driven material[]

In community-driven material, the events were presented to people over various social media, and the community has chosen the scenario progression as well as some events answer. In these situations, the party has to comply with the community choices.

City Events[]

City Events are situations happening while Visiting the City. They have normally a more positive effect and a scheming purpose: they tend to orient the party towards a certain playstyle or orientation. It is normally in these events that the party will lower or increase their reputation, be deemed more mercenary or scholar, etc. This is why they are optional.

The Gloomhaven Campaign contains 90 events (81 from the original campaign, and 9 from Forgotten Circles campaign extension), 30 of which is included in the party's starter deck.

Starting in Forgotten Circles, some events include a blue line on the side, indicating a requirement. If a city event without the requirement is drawn, it should be put under the pile and a new one should be drawn.

Gloomhaven Events[]

City Event Card Unlocked by Requirements
1 Campaign Start
2 Campaign Start
3 Campaign Start
4 Campaign Start
5 Campaign Start
6 Campaign Start
7 Campaign Start
8 Campaign Start
9 Campaign Start
10 Campaign Start
11 Campaign Start
12 Campaign Start
13 Campaign Start
14 Campaign Start
15 Campaign Start
16 Campaign Start
17 Campaign Start
18 Campaign Start
19 Campaign Start
20 Campaign Start
21 Campaign Start
22 Campaign Start
23 Campaign Start
24 Campaign Start
25 Campaign Start
26 Campaign Start
27 Campaign Start
28 Campaign Start
29 Campaign Start
30 Campaign Start
31 Unlocking Sun box
32 Unlocking Spears box
33 Unlocking Circles box
34 Unlocking Moon box
35 Unlocking Mindflayer box
36 Unlocking Lightning box
37 Unlocking Music box
38 Unlocking Tribal Face box
39 Unlocking Saw box
40 Unlocking Triforce box
41 Unlocking Phoenix box
42 Brute class retirement
43 Tinkerer class retirement
44 Spellweaver class retirement
45 Scoundrel class retirement
46 Cragheart class retirement
47 Mindthief class retirement
48 Sun class retirement
49 Spears class retirement
50 Concentric Circles class retirement
51 Moon class retirement
52 Mindflayer class retirement
53 Lightning class retirement
54 Music notes class retirement
55 Tribal Face class retirement
56 Saw box class retirement
57 Triforce class retirement
58 Phoenix class retirement
59 Scenario 54
60 City Event 27
61 City Event 43
62 City Event 45
63 City Event 47
64 City Event 51
65 City Event 39
66 City Event 56
67 City Event 67
68 Road Event 50
69 Road Event 54
70 City Event 16
71 Road Event 10
72 City Event 71
73 Road Event 11
74 Road Event 22
75 Drake Aided(Global)
76 Reputation of 20
77 Reputation of -20
78 Scenario 21

Scenario 36

79 Scenario 35
80 Town Records
81 Scenario 51
82 Forgotten Circles Expansion Unlocking Diviner
83 Forgotten Circles Expansion Diviner Retirement
84 Forgotten Circles Expansion Treasure 91 Opportunists (Party Achiv.)
85 Forgotten Circles Expansion Treasure 95 A Stronbox (Party Achiv.)
86 Forgotten Circles Expansion Scenario 98 Custodians (Party Achiv.)
87 Forgotten Circles Expansion Scenario 103 Guard Detail (Party Achiv.)
88 Forgotten Circles Expansion Scenario 97
89 Forgotten Circles Expansion Scenario 97
90 Forgotten Circles Expansion Scenario 97

Jaws of the Lion[]

While it was confirmed that there will be city events in Jaws of the Lion, the exact content of which is yet to be announced.


While it was confirmed that there will be city events in Frosthaven, the exact content of which is yet to be announced.

Road Events[]

Road Events are situations respecting the traditional "encounters" in the fantasy roleplaying games. They have a more threat-oriented, handicap-infusing approach for the upcoming scenario. The outcomes will normally induce conditions to a party or some damage to start the next scenario with.

Forgotten Circles ExpansionIn Forgotten Circles, if a scenario is reached through dimensional travel, a rift event must be drawn instead of the normal road event.

Gloomhaven Events[]

Road Event Card Unlocked by
1 Campaign Start
2 Campaign Start
3 Campaign Start
4 Campaign Start
5 Campaign Start
6 Campaign Start
7 Campaign Start
8 Campaign Start
9 Campaign Start
10 Campaign Start
11 Campaign Start
12 Campaign Start
13 Campaign Start
14 Campaign Start
15 Campaign Start
16 Campaign Start
17 Campaign Start
18 Campaign Start
19 Campaign Start
20 Campaign Start
21 Campaign Start
22 Campaign Start
23 Campaign Start
24 Campaign Start
25 Campaign Start
26 Campaign Start
27 Campaign Start
28 Campaign Start
29 Campaign Start
30 Campaign Start
31 Unlocking Sun box
32 Unlocking Spears box
33 Unlocking Circles box
34 Unlocking Moon box
35 Unlocking Mindflayer box
36 Unlocking Lightning box
37 Unlocking Music box
38 Unlocking Tribal Face box
39 Unlocking Saw box
40 Unlocking Triforce box
41 Unlocking Phoenix box
42 Brute class retirement
43 Tinkerer class retirement
44 Spellweaver class retirement
45 Scoundrel class retirement
46 Cragheart class retirement
47 Mindthief class retirement
48 Sun class retirement
49 Spears class retirement
50 Concentric Circles class retirement
51 Moon class retirement
52 Mindflayer class retirement
53 Lightning class retirement
54 Music notes class retirement
55 Tribal Face class retirement
56 Saw box class retirement
57 Triforce class retirement
58 Phoenix class retirement
59 Scenario 54
60 Road Event 42
61 Road Event 48
62 Road Event 61
63 Road Event 57
64 City Event 64
65 City Event 21
66 Drake Aided(Global)
67 Reputation of 20
68 Reputation of -20
69 Scenario 51
70 to 81[1] Do not exist.
82 Forgotten Circles Expansion Unlocking Diviner
83 Forgotten Circles Expansion Diviner Retirement
  1. The Forgotten Circles new road events were numbered 82 and 83 instead of following the numbered sequences in order to use the class unlock/retirement event system. There are no events from 70 to 81.

Jaws of the Lion[]

Jaws of the Lion

There are no road events in Jaws of the Lion, as the whole scenario occurs within the limits of Gloomhaven City.

Frosthaven Events[]

Frosthaven CampaignWhile it was confirmed that there will be city events in Frosthaven, the exact content of which is yet to be announced.

Rift Events Forgotten Circles Expansion[]

Forgotten Circles Expansion Rift Events have been added in the Forgotten Circles expansion. They represent the hazards of plane travel. Every time a scenario is marked as Linked to or from a Dimensional Travel, a rift event is drawn instead of the normal road event draw.

How to unlock[]

Rift Event Card Unlocked by
1 Scenario 96
2 Scenario 96
3 Scenario 96
4 Scenario 96
5 Scenario 96
6 Scenario 96
7 Scenario 96
8 Scenario 96
9 Scenario 96
10 Scenario 96
11 Knowledge is Power (Global)
12 Knowledge is Power (Global)
13 Knowledge is Power (Global)
14 Knowledge is Power (Global)
15 Knowledge is Power (Global)
16 Scenario 111
17 Rift Event 14
18 Rift Event 14
19 Treasure 80
20 Treasure 94

Events in Frosthaven[]

Some or all of the information on this page was created prior to the official release of the content.
Please verify that the information is current, then remove this tag.

The Outpost of Frosthaven's party will still experience events. But they will be split by seasons. Every 15 scenarios, you will switch Seasons. For more details, see Seasons.

The difference of seasons will mostly impact events. Summary of Event types[1] :

An event can belong to one of four decks:
  • Summer City Deck: These events are generally good. Good stuff is happening in town and players will earn benefits.
  • Summer Road Deck: These events are generally neutral, leaning toward bad. But not too bad. Something befalls the players on the road, they are mildly inconvenienced or allowed to trade one thing to get a different thing.
  • Winter City Deck: Winter has come, and things are not great. Resources must be spent to stay alive. Threats are attacking, testing the town's defenses. Stuff like that. If player's can't ward off the calamity, they will usually suffer a loss of morale or damage to their buildings (more on these consequences below).
  • Winter Road Deck: Things are bad! Traveling in the winter is harsh, and any number of terrible things can happen, especially if you are not prepared.

